Thank you to our Fall 2024 judges for their hard work in selecting the Black River Chapbook Competition winners, which we are thrilled to share with you! The winning manuscripts are …
Fall 2024 Black River Chapbook Competition Winner — Woman, Wolf, Carbon Capture by Noelle Catharine Allen
Noelle Catharine Allen has worked as a freelance journalist in Buenos Aires and Mexico City, and now lives in Seattle, where she primarily writes fiction. Her short stories have appeared in numerous publications, including Otis Nebula, Phoebe, and Hunger Mountain. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Hunger Mountain, and won the Editor’s Choice award in the publication Best New Writing. She is currently working on a series of novels.
Fall 2024 Black River Chapbook Competition Runner-Up — School for Runaways by Erik(a) Jonah
Erik(a) Jonah has work published or forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Foglifter, Poetry Northwest, and elsewhere. A non-binary teacher, they were a finalist for the 2018 Francine Ringold Award for New Writers. They were recently awarded a residency at The Mineral School in Washington, as well as being nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the journal Cave Wall. MFA from the University of Oregon. Erik(a) has taught in the Bronx, in Ohio, and at a school for runaway and homeless youth in Eugene, Oregon.
Congratulations, Noelle and Erik(a), and welcome to the BLP family! Noelle and Erik(a)’s collections are forthcoming in fall 2026.