An Interview with Bryan Furuness

Furuness coverHobart recently sat down with novelist Bryan Furuness, whose debut novel THE LOST EPISODES OF REVIE BRYSON was released earlier this year and has basically charmed the pants off of everyone who’s read it. Including the folks at Hobart, who write “It’s a novel that does so much, covers so much ground, succeeds so well at all of it, that it’s hard to come up with a short, pithy introduction for the book. So I’ll just say this: this is a novel that was an intense pleasure to read, one that so successfully rendered and created a world that I wanted to keep living in that putting the book down was miserable.” Click here to read the interview, where Bryan talks about writing, humor, religion, teaching, and more. (And you’d be remiss not to buy a copy of REVIE, available here…)
