© Caroline Lacey

Alexandra Lytton Regalado

Alexandra Lytton Regalado is a Salvadoran-American author, editor, and translator. She is the author of Relinquenda, winner of the National Poetry Series (Beacon Press, 2022); the chapbook Piedra (La Chifurnia, 2022); and the poetry collection, Matria, winner of the St. Lawrence Book Award (Black Lawrence Press, 2017). Alexandra holds fellowships at CantoMundo and Letras Latinas; she is winner of the Coniston Prize, and her poetry, short stories, and essays have been published in Poetry, poets.orgBest American PoetryBOMB, World Literature Today, Agni, and Creative Nonfiction among others. Her translations of contemporary Latin American poetry appear or are forthcoming in the New England Review, Poetry International, FENCE, and Tupelo Quarterly and she is translator of Family or Oblivion by Elena Salamanca, Prewar by Tania Pleitez, and co-translator of heidi restrepo rhodes’ Ephemeral. She is co-founder of Kalina, a press that showcases bilingual, Central American-themed books and she is assistant editor at the non-profit SWWIM, Supporting Women Writers in Miami.


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