Brad Aaron Modlin

Brad Aaron Modlin’s internationally viral work has been experienced two million times in social media, podcasts, spiritual reflections, and elsewhere. His poetry, fiction, and nonfiction appear in Poetry Unbound, The Slowdown, The Pushcart Prize, Brevity, Indiana Review, orchestral scores, and The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He has received support from Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Banff Centre for the Arts, and the Nebraska Arts Council. He is The Reynolds Endowed Chair in Creative Writing at University of Nebraska in Kearney, where he curates the visiting writers series and initiates ways for campus and community to love poetry. He teaches undergrads and in the online graduate program. His writing is often about hope or embarrassment because he believes in humans’ goodness and is very clumsy at the gym. When an art gallery commissioned him to create a four-word poem about empathy for a New York City rooftop, he wrote: “Always sunrise, sunset somewhere.”

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