Lisa Slage Robinson

Lisa Slage Robinson writes to explore invisible landscapes and magical feminism. She is the author of Esquire Ball, Stories from the Great Black Swamp (Black Lawrence Press, February 2026).  Named a finalist for Midwest Review’s Great Midwest Fiction Contest, her work appears in or is forthcoming from Iron Horse Literary Review, Atticus Review, Smokelong Quarterly, The Adroit Journal, PRISM International, Storm Cellar, Lit Pub, Necessary Fiction, Meat for Tea, and elsewhere. Lisa serves as a board member for Autumn House Press. A graduate of Bowling Green State University and Case Western Reserve University School of Law, she holds an MFA from Chatham University. A former corporate attorney and litigator, Lisa practiced law in both the States and Canada. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and keeps the lights on for their daughters who live in LA and NYC but who still like to come home.

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