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Sapling is a curated weekly e-newsletter highlighting the best of the small press world. We believe in small press publishing, and each issue showcases up-to-date, streamlined information for writers looking for new venues for their work. Every week Sapling profiles a contest, a small press, a literary journal, and features an interview with an editor, publisher, or emerging writer. We’re excited to have published over 750 issues and have a lot more in store!

Over Sapling’s fifteen years, highlights include interviews with the editors and publishers of Feminist Press, Two Dollar Radio, Kenyon Review, and emerging author interviews with Shane McCrae, Ben Mirov, Nicole Steinberg, Keisha Bush, Monica Drake, and many more.

A one-year subscription (52 issues) is $25 or a six-month subscription (26 issues) is $15. Want to check us out before you sign up? Below you’ll find a link to an archive of some noteworthy features. We’d love to welcome you to Sapling!

Yvonne Garrett
Sapling Editor 2013-present

Diane Goettel
Sapling Founder & Editor 2009-2011

Kit Frick
Sapling Editor 2011-2013