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ISBN: 978-0-9822489-6-6

The Driftless Land: Spirit of Place in the Upper Mississippi Valley

Kevin J Koch

Publication Date: June 1, 2010


The Driftless Land is a search for the spirit of place among the bluffs, woodlands, and prairies of the upper Mississippi River valley. Bypassed by the glaciers, the Driftless’ hilly and scenic topography is a Midwest treasure. The Midwest is commonly known for its flatlands, for oceans of corn pressing toward the horizon beneath a big sky. Lesser known are the steep hills and bluffs, the ravines and towering rock outcroppings where the upper Mississippi carves its meandering path. These rugged lands amid the prairies are known as the Driftless Area, a 20,000 square-mile region of northeast Iowa, northwest Illinois, southeast Minnesota, and southwest and central Wisconsin, bypassed by most of the glaciers. Koch’s essays visit a variety of outdoor settings steeped in beauty and story within this unique region. His creative nonfiction typically blends personal narrative with geological, archaeological, and information often derived from place-based interviews. The result is an endeavor to know place deeply.

The Driftless Land was originally published by Southeast Missouri State University Press.


“Kevin Koch is among the most respected literary voices in the Midwest. In his work, he serves as both guide and pilgrim, inviting readers to see anew a region that is often portrayed as flat and unchanging.”
-John Price

About the Author

Kevin J Koch

Kevin J. Koch is Professor Emeritus of English at Loras College in Dubuque, Iowa. He is author of Skiing at Midnight: A Nature Journal from Dubuque County, Iowa (Loras College Press); The Driftless Land: Spirit of Place in the Upper Mississippi Valley (Southeast Missouri State University Press); The Thin Places: A Celtic Landscape from Ireland to the Driftless (Wipf & Stock); and Midwest Bedrock: The Search for Nature’s Soul in America’s Heartland (Indiana University Press). Koch’s creative nonfiction typically focuses on outdoor settings of the Midwest (and sometimes Ireland) steeped in beauty and story. His work blends a  personal narrative of discovery with geological, archaeological, and historical information often derived from place-based interviews. The result is an endeavor to know place deeply. When not working on writing projects, he and his wife Dianne can frequently be found bicycling or cross-country skiing in the Midwest’s hilly Driftless region or kayaking its rivers and lakes.

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