
ISBN: 9781625571618
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Categories Fiction, Novels

The Girl with the Black Lipstick

Mary Biddinger

Publication Date: July 8, 2025


Against the backdrop of a boozy, restless late-90s Chicago, creative writing graduate student Mary Van Pelt and her eccentric roommate navigate the collision between party life, domestic harmony, and academic ambition in The Girl with the Black Lipstick. Mary Biddinger’s novella in linked flash stories conjures outrageous fashion and the oddest of odd jobs, sparing no detail when immersing readers in bedrooms, dancefloors, lakeshore beaches, and university seminars.

Set before smartphones filled every pocket, The Girl with the Black Lipstick chronicles a bygone era of performance and spectacle. Biddinger offers vivid, surreal vignettes told in the heat of the moment or recalled as we follow Van Pelt from her first days of graduate school into life as a tenured professor. Our heroine and her roommate overcome predicaments and deepen their bond while simultaneously ignoring and obsessing over the future, blissfully unaware of challenges ahead until those challenges arrive. The Girl with the Black Lipstick is a tale of deep creativity and found family, paying tribute to those who support our youthful selves in unexpected ways.


Mary Biddinger’s The Girl with the Black Lipstick isn’t simply a blast from the past—it is the past—the year 1999 brought back to life in all its Twitter-less, text-less glory, courtesy of the narrator Mary Van Pelt, who blends nostalgia and cynicism in appropriate doses. A graduate student of English, Mary—along with her unnamed and exotic “Roommate”—explores the bars and streets and beaches of Chicago in between enduring the frequent absurdities of a grad school creative writing workshop. As in much of Biddinger’s work, the narrative is never linear, a straight-line journey from A to B along bland interstates, but feels instead like an excursion along the backroads of life where all the good scenery is, served up throughout this book in stunningly original images and observations. There’s an undertone of wistfulness for what’s gone, but that, too, is leveled by a dose of reality and the irony endowed by the wisdom of hindsight. “In the old days,” the narrator notes, “we both felt fragile, but we were actually at our best, an epiphany that makes me want to slit the throat of every ravioli in the pot.” This is a story that feels perfectly suited to the novella-in-flash, a reach back to grab the fragments of who we were in the final year of the twentieth century, to hold them to the light in an attempt to understand what peculiar threads connected us.

–Sarah Freligh, author of Hereafter and Sad Math

In The Girl with the Black Lipstick, Mary Biddinger captures the unexpected nostalgia for a time few living through it believe they’ll ever miss: the first precarious years of adulthood. In the age of The Spice Girls, rollerblades, Tickle Me Elmo, and Trainspotting, Mary Van Pelt is a new graduate student stomping and slinking through 90s Chicago. Powered by the wild confidence and crushing self-doubt of the still young, she anticipates her future fame and the academic accolades sure to come. In a series of linked flash pieces, Biddinger manifests the distinct mix of closeness, claustrophobia, and competition that shapes academia and its inexperienced acolytes. Moving from lecture halls to dance floors to the floor itself, laid-out after eating what may or may not have been fiddleheads, an eccentric cast of characters divide their time partying and struggling to make ends meet, failing and succeeding as they stagger into their adult lives. Told in vignettes full of regret and revelation, The Girl with the Black Lipstick is a wry celebration of how we become who we are.

–Jenny Irish, author of Hatch

About the Author

Mary Biddinger

Mary Biddinger is the author of numerous books with Black Lawrence Press including Partial Genius: Prose Poems (2019), Department of Elegy (2022), and her debut work of fiction, The Girl with the Black Lipstick (2025). She has received awards and fellowships from the Cleveland Arts Prize, Ohio Arts Council, and National Endowment for the Arts. Biddinger teaches creative writing at the University of Akron and in the NEOMFA program, and serves as poetry editor for the University of Akron Press.

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