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ISBN: 978-1-955239-46-2
Categories Nomadic, Poetry

The Wizard’s Homecoming

Elwin Cotman

Publication Date: March 11, 2023


In June of 2023, Black Lawrence Press welcomed numerous existing and forthcoming Nomadic Press titles to our catalogue. The Wizard’s Homecoming was originally published by Nomadic.

THE WIZARD’S HOMECOMING is a sword-and-sorcery tale of heroes and villains on a cosmic and human scale. Paired with ten years of poetry, this is the next step in Cotman’s hybrid bibliography.


Elwin Cotman draws from a rich vein — subversive, blistering, playful, and always surprising. The world feels a little more vivid, a lot more haunted, every time I pick up one of his collections.
—Kelly Link

In The Wizard’s Homecoming, Elwin Cotman offers his readers an opportunity to imagine reality as we might like it to be. Whether it’s poetry that describes a subculture of anarcho-punks, squatters and folk-heroes like Valerie Solanas or prose that follows a wizard ‘to the edge of the galaxy…across the surface of Mercury…onto a Wyoming prairie stippled with tall grass’ to another adventure, Cotman attunes his readers to spaces & times set within &/or against late capitalism. Through processes of defamiliarization, displacement and cognitive estrangement, new openings for radical transformation begin to seem possible. I found myself contemplating the possibility of existing in more than three dimensions & the possibility of communication across dimensions between people trying to get free.
—Wendy Trevino

Elwin Cotman’s The Wizard’s Homecoming fills a void in black poetry, serving scathing critiques of white oppression and the black bourgeoisie. It’s Afro-punk, ‘punk-adjacent,’ outsider gaze will keep you turning pages and following the footsteps of a black rebel protagonist whose insights spare no one. From love letters to Valerie Solanas and time leaps to the Tulsa Oklahoma Massacre, it’s an unexpected, fast-paced adventure that startles with its magic, complexity, contemplations, and rage.
—Yona Harvey

The Wizard’s Homecoming, Elwin Michael Cotman’s hybrid collection of poems and prose, unmasks tyrants, calls bullshit, and uses fantasy to improve reality. Cotman, like his speaker and protagonist, is an extraterrestrial anarchist who understands Earth better than its own inhabitants. His writing embodies the elements of punk that remain relevant; it elevates those who do not benefit from capitalist-patriarchal systems while condemning and occasionally even conquering those who do. It’s also got ferocious feminist attitude. Valerie Solanas would approve.
—Kim Vodicka

About the Author

© Rohan DaCosta

Elwin Cotman

Elwin Cotman is a storyteller from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is the author of four collections of speculative short stories, The Jack Daniels Sessions EP, Hard Times Blues,  Dance on Saturday, and Weird Black Girls, as well as the poetry collection, The Wizard's Homecoming. Cotman has toured across North America doing readings. His work has appeared in Grist, Buzzfeed, Black Gate, The Southwestern Review, and The Offing, among others. Cotman holds a BA from the University of Pittsburgh and an MFA from Mills College.

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