We are very excited to announce that, starting in June, Black Lawrence Press will open its doors to over 100 Nomadic Press authors!
From J.K. Fowler, Nomadic Press Founder
As of June 1, we are extremely excited to announce that the vast majority of Nomadic Press titles will be migrating to a new publishing house—Black Lawrence Press! Over 100 of our authors will have a new home in the aftermath of Nomadic Press closing its publishing operations in March 2023. We are relieved to know that our authors will have such a trusted and respected home at Black Lawrence Press and look forward to watching them thrive within this new house. This will also include titles that we had committed to for 2023 and were unable to publish so stay tuned for those books’ new publishing dates with Black Lawrence Press!
From Diane Goettel, Black Lawrence Press Executive Editor
The editors here at Black Lawrence Press have been following Nomadic Press for years, and we’ve been consistently impressed by both the books that they’ve published and the community of writers that they have gathered and supported. Having published some of the same authors, Nomadic and Black Lawrence share a fortuitous kinship. Our goal is to offer the Black Lawrence Press platform to as many Nomadic authors as possible, and we’re delighted that over 100 authors have decided to entrust us with their titles! We look forward to collaborating with them and welcoming them to Black Lawrence Press.