We are very pleased to announce the 2020 St. Lawrence Book Award finalists and semi-finalists. We look forward to announcing the winning manuscript, which will be chosen from the pool of finalists, in the coming weeks. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Fiction Finalists
Some is Skin, Some is Flesh by Brendan Egan
As If You Had a Say by Jennifer Fliss
Development Times Vary by Michele Johnson
The Stew and Other Stories by Manuel Martinez
The Prisoner of Harare & Other Stories by Taffi Nyawanza
City In All Directions by Anthony Parker
Extraterrestrial Highway by Steve Pett
No Gods, Only Suffering by Chloe Seim
Little Resurrection Machines by Jay Shearer
Enough for a Stranger by Michael Caleb Tasker
Fiction Semi-finalists
What We Were Looking For by Heather De Bel
On Cowlitz Prairie by Dianne Dugaw
Azadi by Suzi Ehtesham-Zadeh
Lesser Saints by Donna Gordon
Everywhere the Water by Chris Morgan
Now I’m Photogenic and Other Stories I Tell Myself by Jill Rosenberg
Gay and Lesbian Studies by Sophie Strohmeier
Gothic Revival by Taylor Sykes
Sorry, Thank You, Hello by Nicole VanderLinden
Entry Level by Wendy Wimmer
Poetry Finalists
Femme D’Intérieur by Stephanie Berger
Slack Tongue City by Mackenzie Berry
Not our House by Kay Cosgrove
Bees in the Fire by Fay Dillof
the swailing by Patrick Errington
The Chore by Jeffrey Greene
Come Clean by Joshua Nguyen
Always a Relic Never a Reliquary by Kim Sousa
Hypervigilance by Stephanie Lane Sutton
Night Maker by Brian Chander Wiora
Poetry Semi-finalists
The Midwestern Book of the Dead by Regina DiPerna
Hover by Liz Flum
Burial Machine by Jacob Griffin Hall
In the House that is an Animal that is the Holy Body by Cory Hutchinson-Reuss
Revenge Body by Sally J. Johnson
Lineage by Michael Marberry
The First Condition by Rachel Morgan
Harsh Blessings by Magali Roy-Fequiere
Lack by Alexander Scalfano
black boi argot by Mia S. Willis