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© Lisa Beth Anderson

Dean Rader

Dean Rader’s Works & Days, won the 2010 T. S. Eliot Prize, and Landscape Portrait Figure Form (2014) was a Barnes & Noble Review Best Poetry Book of the Year. He is the editor of 99 Poems for the 99 Percent: An Anthology of Poetry and the winner of the 2015 George Bogin Award from the Poetry Society of America. A new collection, Self-Portrait as Wikipedia Entry (2017) appeared from Copper Canyon. Rader writes and reviews regularly for The San Francisco Chronicle, The Rumpus, The Huffington Post, Ploughshares and The Kenyon Review. He is a professor at The University of San Francisco, where, in 2011, he won the University’s distinguished research award. Poems co-written with Simone Munech from Suture (Black Lawrence Press, 2017) have appeared or will appear in American Poetry Review, Blackbird, Zyzzyva, Handsome, The Economy, Columbia Poetry Review, New American Writing, DMQ, Dusie, and many others and have been nominated for Pushcart and Best of the Net Awards.

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