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ISBN: 978-1-62557-804-4
Categories Fiction, Novels

Home Everywhere

Publication Date: November 2018


Home Everywhere is a suitcase full of souvenirs scavenged from lives liberated, briefly, from the cares of the world. A random collection of tourists embarks on a ten-day budget trip to parts unknown. The parts are destined to stay that way, while the tourists fixate on the actions and trappings of being alive. In the tradition of pilgrims across the ages, they seek spiritual salvation, physical healing, alluring accessories, and good bargains. Soon their sacred places emerge as elusive versions of home. Private sorrows persist. The daily itinerary holds hints of escape, but in the end, gravity prevails, and they head back to normal life, hopes unrealized and undiminished, their secret dreams following in the jet stream.


In Home Everywhere, the reader is thrown in with a band of loopy and lovable lost souls on a guided tour to Asia. Recounting each unique back story in a tone of gentle, affectionate mockery, Megan McNamer shows us that the companions are no less important than the destination. Life brings everyone to unexpected places that are not on any map, and the reader gladly joins in for the ride.

–Laura Esther Wolfson

In this savvy and saturated journey of this literary ship-of-fools, Home Everywhere, Megan McNamer pilots a captivating microscopic microcosmic adventure tale all the way out and back again. Our guide illuminates the glowing facets found in a wide-ranging spectrum of human experience like a scientist looking for the signature character of elemental elements. Home Everywhere is a gleaming cloud chamber of a book where charged particles of prose shoot into the concentrated nucleus of teeming humanity. We watch, in amazement and wonder, the tracing of each subatomic narrative arch as it leaves indelible telltale trails through the close quarters of the broader trip. It is a controlled crash, a tour of a sublime tour de force, satisfying on many levels and telling in every tongue.

–Michael Martone

About the Author

Megan McNamer

Megan McNamer grew up in northern Montana and studied music at the University of Montana and ethnomusicology at the University of Washington. Home Everywhere (Black Lawrence Press, 2018) is her second novel. Her first novel, Children and Lunatics (Black Lawrence Press 2016) won the Big Moose Prize. Essays and stories have appeared in Salon, Sports Illustrated, The Sun, Tropic Magazine (of The Miami Herald), Islands Magazine, Headwall, Cutthroat Magazine, and a number of anthologies, and have won awards from New Millennium, Glimmer Train, Writers@Work, the University of New Orleans Writing Contest for Study Abroad, Travelers' Tales Best Travel Writing Solas Awards for 2016, and Carve Magazine's Raymond Carver Short Story Contest for 2016. Megan lives in Missoula, Montana and plays Balinese music with the community gamelan Manik Harum.

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