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ISBN: 978-1-955239-29-5
Categories Nomadic, Non Fiction

The FVN Handbook

Publication Date: May 2022


We are the Fierce Vulnerability Network, a constellation of direct action teams positioned at the intersection of racial healing and climate justice. Fueled by fierce vulnerability, the power of emergence, and the promptings of our own vocations, we practice reparations and take direct action together.


The principles and practices contained in this Handbook, which speaks to organizing at the intersection of racial healing and climate justice, are thoughtful, pragmatic, and empowering. Concepts anchoring The FVN Handbook, including decentralization, emergence, and experimentation, are critically important to addressing the biggest challenges of our time. I loved the Handbooks’ relational focus, its weaving together of direct action and peacebuilding approaches, and how it emphasized the inextricable linkages between personal, interpersonal, societal, and structural change. The FVN Handbook is a powerful aid to our collective efforts to reimagine and change the world.

-Maria J. Stephan, co author of Why Civil Resistance Works and co-lead of The Horizons Project

I pray that this very special experiment, this much needed antidote, will flourish. The world longs for just such beautiful and tangible examples of love, vulnerability, generosity and healthy service.

-Rev. Lynice Pinkard

About the Author

The Fierce Vulnerability Network

Deeply aware of the humbling enormity of the crises humanity is facing and our own imperfections, we are nonetheless determined to act. As we move forward, we pledge to listen, learn, experiment, and grow; to make our mistakes, adapt, and try, try again. We are one element in an expansive movement ecosystem, a “movement of movements”, each part of which is essential. Within this movement ecosystem, FVN is called to two inseparable core commitments:

  • To contribute to racial healing and reconciliation by making and facilitating concrete acts of reparations.
  • To honor, uplift, and defend life through bold civil disobedience and creative initiative to address racial injustice and the climate emergency.
We are assembling direct action teams of courageous people who feel called and are prepared to uphold the network principles and practices (aka “the DNA”) outlined in our handbook. We long to see what life wants to do through us. We resist the temptation, therefore, to predict or to attempt to shape the outcomes of this experiment by way of fine-tuned mission or vision statements. We simply hold trust that the teams we assemble – if true to the DNA – will offer beautiful and sacred gifts to the continuing struggle for justice and wholeness.

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