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Dzanc Books Write a Thon!

Yo, all ya all,

Again, like last year, I am participating in the Dzanc Books Write-A-Thon which will take place July 21st through July 24th.   I plan to spend twenty hours on those days, writing away with the same furious obsession that Captain Ahab had when pursuing the elusive white whale of fate. 
Not only will it be a treat for me to have a dedicated time for my writing, but hopefully this will also benefit Dzanc.  Last year I produced two stories during the four days, both which I quickly placed in established literary journals: Fiction International and The Indiana Review. This year I may attempt a novella, depending on the writing prompt theme.
Dzanc is a wonderful non-profit independent publishing company that supports literary magazines, small presses, and publishes fantastic work; after all, their imprint, Black Lawrence Press, published my collection of stories, Pictures of Houses with Water Damage, last year. Also, Dzanc funds writing programs in public schools where creative writing classes are not offered. They also sponsor the Dzanc Prize which benefits not only the writer awarded it, but pays for a community based project like writing workshops in prisons, cancer centers, or working with immigrant populations.
I would be honored if you would sponsor my writing this year. Your dollars will help Dzanc Books to continue to support great writing and foster the creative talent of public school kids. If you’d like to pitch in, please click on the following link that will take you to a page where you can make a donation: 
Hit the donate button to the left and make it in my name. You will need a Paypal account. Paypal is a wonderful online method of virtual currency with zero gold or silver backing up the symboligy of what we deem money.  A sign of the end times? What they hey…and please remember to do so in my name, and good luck with the big drawing they’ll have for all people that donate!
Thanks for your time!

Michael Hemmingson