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Fuse by Marc McKee

McKeeAuthorPhotoAs anyone familiar with Black Lawrence Press knows, we run three contesets every year. This spring we announced Patrick Michael Finn as the winner of the Hudson Prize. However, there was one title in the finalist category that we just could not live without. Black Lawrence Press is very pleased to announce that it will publish Fuse by Marc McKee in 2011. Fuse, a poetry collection, was a top contender for the Hudson Prize and we are thrilled to add it to the BLP list.
Marc McKee was born and raised in Texas.  He holds a BS from Indiana University and an MFA from the University of Houston.  Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at the University of Missouri at Columbia, where he lives with his wife Camellia Cosgray.  Marc McKee’s work has appeared in several journals, among them Boston Review, Conduit, Crazyhorse, DIAGRAM, Forklift,Ohio, The Journal, LIT, and Pleiades.  He is the author of What Apocalypse?, winner of the 2008 New Michigan Press/DIAGRAM Chapbook Competition.