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ISBN: 978-0-9966172-2-2
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Categories Chapbooks, Nomadic, Poetry

Nueva Cuenta

Freddy Gutierrez

Publication Date: September 6, 2015


In June of 2023, Black Lawrence Press welcomed numerous existing and forthcoming Nomadic Press titles to our catalogue. Nueva Cuenta was originally published by Nomadic.

Gutierrez’s poems illuminate parallels between a personal sense of indigenized identity and the legacy of colonialism via the California Mission system and its impact on the local ecology.


Our people need new prayers from our first tongues. Nueva Cuenta shows that a soul in its lucid wandering is both the presentation of mathematical brilliance and visceral mystery; that the poet is the incarnation in a circle of instructors who crafts reminders that origin is future and every line of our story is food for beauty and resistance. Here is a song to take with you on our fight for liberation; to take with us on all of our returns to earth and essence. Be fit for the run…rise en masse.
Tongo Eisen-Martin, author of Someone’s Dead Already(Bootstrap Press, 2015)

In Freddy Gutierrez’s poetry, language skips and repeats like the past, in all its disastrous beauty, in order to sing a new future into being. He sings for himself and always others. In Nueva Cuenta, a song of the land emerges, the story of European arrivals and indigenous resistance, the particularity of plants, the pain of history, the possibility of recovery, and the dream of a world that could be otherwise.
Stephanie Young, author of Ursula or University

About the Author

© Antwan Banks Williams

Freddy Gutierrez

Freddy Gutierrez, California poet and teaching artist. Freddy has facilitated writing and performance art spaces with people in incarceration from the Bay to the UK for over 10 years. He specializes in using metaphor alongside personal narrative in order to shape social commentary as catalysts for storytelling. His poetry seeks to foster agency of voice in those he creates with. He’s been published by Los Angeles Poet Society Press, The Puerto Rico Review, The Acentos Review, the Nomadic Press, and University of Houston's Arte Publico Press; and was featured as LoWriter of the Week selected by U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera.

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